Senior Vice President & President - Asia Pacific
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM)
(U) Joe Taets is Senior Vice President and President, Asia Pacific for ADM. In this position, he has oversight over all of ADM’s business activities and leads strategy and growth efforts across ADM’s business lines in that region. He is a member of the company’s Executive Council, and serves as ADM’s Executive Champion for Quality and Food Safety.
(U) Taets has served as ADM’s President, Global Business Readiness and Vice President, Global Procurement, where he oversaw ADM’s global initiatives to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and standardize business practices. He has served as President of what was then ADM’s Agricultural Services business unit, responsible for the commercial activities and operations of the company’s agricultural origination, wheat milling, global trading businesses and transportation network. His overseas ADM experience has included serving as President, ADM Europe, Middle East and Africa, and President, Grain.
(U) Taets serves on the boards of ADM International; American River Transportation Company; ADM Australia Holdings; and ADM Grain River System Inc. He also represents ADM on international boards in Canada, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, the Netherlands, Panama, and Switzerland.(U) Taets is a member of the Board of Directors of Chicago-based Urban Initiatives, and acts as a trustee for the Boys & Girls Club of America Midwest Region. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University and an MBA from Drake University.